Step-by-Step Guide for First Home Buyers: Legal Insights for NSW, QLD, and VIC

Step-by-Step Guide for First Home Buyers: Legal Insights for NSW, QLD, and VIC

Step-by-Step Guide for First Home Buyers: Legal Insights for NSW, QLD, and VIC Embarking on the journey to purchase your first home is both thrilling and daunting. Understanding the legal aspects is crucial to ensuring a smooth and successful transaction. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process with confidence, whether you are…

buying a buying commercial and residential properties

Key Practical Differences Between Buying Commercial and Residential Properties

Key Practical Differences Between Buying Commercial and Residential Properties Thinking of investing in or developing a commercial property? If you’ve dealt with residential properties before and think the process is more or less the same, think again! There are many key differences when buying a commercial property that you should be aware of from the…

stamp duty

Goodbye Stamp Duty: Victorian Tax Reforms for Commercial and Industrial Properties

Goodbye Stamp Duty: Victorian Tax Reforms for Commercial and Industrial Properties New Tax Reforms to come into effect in Victoria from 1 July 2024 Victoria’s fiscal landscape is undergoing a transformation with the introduction of the Commercial and Industrial Property Tax (CIPT), replacing traditional stamp duty. Announced in the 2023-24 State Budget, this reform aims…

Buying Commercial Property

Navigating the Legal Waters When Buying Commercial Property

Navigating the Legal Waters: Key Considerations When Buying Commercial Property Make sure you’re across these aspects when purchasing a Commercial or Industrial Property in Australia Are you wanting to take the plunge into the world of commercial property investment in Australia? If so, it’s crucial to approach this venture with a healthy mix of inquisitiveness,…

Legal Contract

Employee or Contractor? It’s The Legal Contract That Matters

Employee or Contractor? It’s The Contract That Matters The Risks of Using a Template Legal Document In this post-Covid society and with the prevalence of working from home, its no wonder than many businesses have fallen foul of correctly classifying their staff as employees or contractors. It’s an important question to get right for business…

disclosure obligations

Business Beware New Disclosure Obligations Could Affect You

Business Beware: New Disclosure Obligations Could Affect You In mid-2020 the NSW government announced changes to the Fair Trading Act which created new disclosure obligations for many suppliers of goods and services. Even though NSW Fair Trading initially provided a grace period (which has now ended) for businesses to educate themselves on the changes, many…